02 marzo 2022
02 mar. 2022

La voz de p. Andrzej Olejnik SCJ (Ucrania)

La voz de p. Andrzej Olejnik SCJ (Ucrania)
Oí disparos de nuestra Artillería, tenemos una alarma aérea y tenemos que escondernos en un lugar seguro, nos sentamos en el suelo de la hora...
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“In the morning from 7 hours we started flying planes and there were shots I don’t know who was shaking very loudly the house, I heard shots of our Artillery, we have an air alarm and we have to hide in a safe place, we sit on the floor of the house we’re sitting, I wanted to hold a mass at 12 online, but postponed it to 14, maybe it will subside.”

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