P. John Klingler

P. John Klingler

* 14.09.1935
† 12.03.2022
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Padre John Klingler nasceu no dia 14 de setembro de 1935 e tinha 86 anos. Fez os primeiros votos no dia 8 de setembro de 1963 e foi ordenado sacerdote no dia 20 de maio de 1967.

Atualmente residia em Hales Corners (Estados Unidos da America). Ele pertencia à Província USA.

O Senhor é meu pastor, nada me falta (Sl 23,1)

Dear confreres,

A week ago, we received the sad news of the death of Fr. Johnny Klingler in the United States after a lengthy illness. We want to remember and give thanks for his service to the Congregation in various pastoral and administrative offices and ministries, in particular as Provincial Superior of USA (1977-1983) and as a member of the General Council (1985-1991) in Fr. Antonio Panteghini’s Administration.

When he arrived in Rome, he introduced himself to the students at the Collegio by saying “Hi, I’m Johnny Klingler from the US Province and I’m here to work with a passion for Justice and Peace.” In the spirit of Fr. Dehon, he spent much of his ministry promoting social causes, offering hospitality to migrants, building homes for poor families, supporting farm worker’s rights, and praying and organizing for peace. The USA Province named their annual Justice and Peace prize in his honor.

Fr. Johnny will be remembered for his gracious hospitality. He took time with people and made them feel appreciated. He was both a good listener and an entertaining storyteller. He loved to host dinner parties, cook Italian specialties, and stay in conversation at table late into the night.

At the end of Fr. Johnny’s pilgrimage among us, we give thanks for what our Congregation, his family, and the many people he met received from him. He showed fidelity in a life consecrated to God with an open and attentive gaze to the needs of the Church, the Congregation, and the world.

According to what is established in DG 69.4, I invite each priest to celebrate a Holy Mass in his memory and all members of the Congregation to participate in prayer to give thanks for Fr. Johnny’s gift of life and service.

On behalf of the whole Congregation, and the members of the General Administration, I offer my heartfelt condolences to his family and to the USA Province, with whom we share pain, gratitude and hope.

As we hold in our hearts the memory of Fr. Johnny’s life consecrated to God for the service of our brothers and sisters, we thank the Lord for what he has given us and for the example he left us. We entrust him to the arms of the Good Shepherd. In the goodness and mercy of His heart we ask the Lord to welcome Fr. Johnny to Himself to share the fullness of life.

Fraternally, in Corde Iesu,

Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, scj, Vicar of the Superior General

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