Fr. Kazimierz Marekwia

Fr. Kazimierz Marekwia

* 1925.11.02
† 2020.11.08
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Father Kazimierz Marekwia was born on February 11, 1925 and was 95 years old. He took his first vows on February 13, 1949 and was ordained priest on July 5, 1953.

He was currently living in Kraków (Poland). He belonged to the Province POL.

Into your hands I commit my very life. (Ps 31:5)

At the age of 96, Father Kazimierz Marekwia left us. He died in Krakow, Poland on November 8th, 2020, surrounded by a group of confreres. He was the oldest Dehonian of the Polish Province.

He was born in 1925 in Wyry, in Silesia (Poland). In 1949, he made his first religious profession in the Congregation of the Priest of the Sacred Heart and was ordained a priest in 1953; he was a bursar and parish vicar in Krakow and Stadniki, and parish priest in Chmielow and Weglowka. He then worked in Austria, where he was the superior of the Hafnerberg community (1989-1995). After his return to Poland, he served as a chaplain to the sisters for several years.
He will always remain in our memories as a brother who was always smiling and cheerful. With his humor and joy, he was able to spread an atmosphere of kindness and fraternity around him. May the Heart of God welcome him into His Kingdom.

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