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Congo-Kivu: a voice that screams
10 October 2024Furaha Apipawe  

Congo-Kivu: a voice that screams

Coming from Minova, Kalehe territory in South Kivu province, a boat named MV MERDI capsized in the waters of Lake Kivu on Thursday 3 October at around 11am.

The Synod, ministries and charisms
05 October 2024Severino Dianich  

The Synod, ministries and charisms

A reflection on the meaning of the terms ‘ministry’ and ‘charism’ and their relationship.

“I thank you for all that you do”
27 June 2024

“I thank you for all that you do”

Audience of Pope Francis to the participants of the XXV General Chapter.

The joy of the Gospel and the challenges ahead
20 June 2024Francesco Cosentino  

The joy of the Gospel and the challenges ahead

Ten years have passed since Pope Francis' first document, Evangelii gaudium. Challenges and open questions

Religious life in Argentina: illusion or hope?
05 June 2024Lucas Emanuel Smiriglia  

Religious life in Argentina: illusion or hope?

The Argentine Conference of Religious Men and Women (CONFAR) Argentina has chosen as the theme for its 2024 annual meeting that of "Religious Life, Pilgrim of Hope on the Path of Peace."

Congo: tribal conflict over land
28 May 2024Yanick Nzanzu Maliro  

Congo: tribal conflict over land

Since February 2023, a land dispute has been ongoing between the Lengola and Mbole communities in the urban-rural commune of Lubunga, Kisangani

Goma, a dying city
13 May 2024Yanick Nzanzu Maliro  

Goma, a dying city

The Democratic Republic of Congo is in a state of war. For nearly three decades, the eastern part of the country has been suffering under repeated clashes. Not a day goes by without not one but several men and women dying as a result of the war.

Angelo Cavagna, Dehonian pacifist
02 May 2024Lorenzo Prezzi  

Angelo Cavagna, Dehonian pacifist

Fr. Angelo Cavagna passed away in Bolognano d'Arco (Italy) on April 28. In his 94 years of life he was a formator, a farmer priest, an animator of international civil service, a proponent of conscientious objection, and a strong pacifist.

Venezuela: religious information and society
25 March 2024Marcello Neri  

Venezuela: religious information and society

The internationalization project of SettimanaNews, after Congo, experienced a second stage in Venezuela, with the collaboration with two Dehonian confreres, Fr. Antonio Teixeira and Fr. Manuel Lagos.

The inhuman conditions of refugees in North Kivu
16 March 2024Louange Kahasi  

The inhuman conditions of refugees in North Kivu

The war in Kivu or the banality of human life: the naked lives of millions of Congolese. That's all we can say about the Congolese genocide.

Together with Francis, for a synodal Church
01 March 2024Heiner Wilmer  

Together with Francis, for a synodal Church

After Vatican letter to German bishops , Msgr. Heiner Wilmer (Bishop of Hildesheim) speaks out to promote a process of mutual and honest understanding between Rome and Germany

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