10 ottobre 2023
10 ott 2023

“Un momento di grazia e di benedizione di Dio”.

“Un momento di grazia e di benedizione di Dio”.
La Provincia del Sudafrica ha tenuto il suo sesto capitolo provinciale dal 25 al 29 settembre 2023. È stato definito come un momento di kairos, un momento di grazia e di benedizione di Dio.
di  Sylvester Mutale, scj
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The chapter was composed of 10 members and 3 observers who includes the General Councilor for Africa, Fr. Charles Koudjou. This chapter in a special way came on the time when the congregation is celebrating 100 years of its presence in South Africa. Indeed it was an opportune time to look back at how far we have come and reflect upon the current status of the Congregation in South Africa. It was also a time to have a common focus on the future mission of the Province amid the rapidly changing milieu of South Africa.

The theme of this chapter recapitulate its essence: Rooted in the Heart of Christ, looking to the future with hope. We pray therefore that God’s grace may fill this province with hope, new energy and insights to carry out the evangelization of the people of South Africa.

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