12 March 2016
12 Mar 2016

He wrote on the ground

by  Rinaldo Paganelli,scj

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“Remember not the events of the past” (v. 18) is not an invitation to water down the memory, to cancel or to erase the past. In reality the Lord is asking us to see everything anew which He fulfils and continues even today. He invites us to become aware of the Work of the Lord. It is like a sprout; it requires attention in order to discover what holds for each. It applies to each of us; applies to our time which seems to be at distance, far away from recognizing the new sprouts. The Lord disrupts nature: He wants to change, to modify everything in a way in which negative powers disappear (v. 17) and wilderness becomes viable, wild animals are recovered so that people can sing praises to Him (v. 12). The Lord emphasizes His close bond with His people.

Proverbs 27,25: When the grass is gone and new growth appears, and the herbage of the mountains is gathered.

Heb 8,13:In speaking of “a new covenant”, he has made the first one obsolete.



The “sublimity of the knowledge Christ Jesus” (v. 8) becomes the criteria for discernment, judgement and the norm of every reality. This does not mean that nothing has value, but instead, everything acquires its true value in the light and relationship to the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Without this demanding and absolute priority of the relationship with Jesus, everything is in vain, everything is “rubbish”. The claim of the Apostle is a decision and moral action to begin from a new and radical interpretation of every reality which is based in faith in Jesus. The knowledge of Christ Jesus is not contempt and rejection of all, but is the total illumination that takes away from every reality the danger of becoming a deceiving and seductive idol.

Sir 27,12: Among stupid people limit your time, but among thoughtful people linger on.

Mt 5,30: It is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.


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Jesus Christ does not accept that there is a “tolerance” of the Word, but in Him, its complete fulfillment. Christ Jesus who writes that God fully bent down toward earth writes His Word in the heart of man with His finger, and with the gift of the Spirit. Another major sign of Jesus is His dialogue with the woman. Alone with her, he says that He did not go because He is truly “without sin”. Hence He could punish her and sentence her according to the law. But the law has put everyone under sin in order to give everyone divine mercy. Only forgiveness permits the sinner to go beyond one’s own sin, to regain one’s innocence again in the future and not in the past.

Esther 8,8: You may write as you please with regard to the Jews, in the name of the king, and seal it with the king’s ring.

Jn 19,20: “Do not write, ‘The King of the Jews,’ but, ‘This man said, I am King of the Jews”.


For group or personal reflection:

– How do you find yourself with new things?

– How do you look at things that surround you?

– Are you more able to receive or to share?

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