Dehonian Worldwide

“Let us put on the armor of God” – priestly and deacon ordination in Poland.
29 May 2024

“Let us put on the armor of God” – priestly and deacon ordination in Poland.

Five priests and two Dehonian deacons were ordained in Poland on May 18, 2024

Day of fraternity and formation of the ITS province.
08 May 2024Simona Nanetti  

Day of fraternity and formation of the ITS province.

Dehonians of the ITS province every have get together for a day of fraternity and formation. This year the theme was spiritual abuse: how to recognize it, how to prevent it.

Bringing the Dehonian charism to the world
02 May 2024Joseph Mukuna, SCJ  

Bringing the Dehonian charism to the world

On April 24, the North American Dehonian Theological Commission (NADTC) met via Zoom

Angelo Cavagna, Dehonian pacifist
02 May 2024Lorenzo Prezzi  

Angelo Cavagna, Dehonian pacifist

Fr. Angelo Cavagna passed away in Bolognano d'Arco (Italy) on April 28. In his 94 years of life he was a formator, a farmer priest, an animator of international civil service, a proponent of conscientious objection, and a strong pacifist.

Eight new priests in Cameroon
22 April 2024Louis Paul Ngassam, scj  

Eight new priests in Cameroon

Saturday April 13, 2024 was a day of celebration and joy for the entire Congregation, and especially for the Cameroon Province, with the ordination to the presbyterate of eight confrere members of this Province.

Triduum in Belarus
11 April 2024Levi Ferreira, SCJ  

Triduum in Belarus

P. Carlos and Fr. Levi visited Dehonian communities in Belarus during the Easter holidays

Young SCJs dedicate themselves to God
06 March 2024Dominique NZANZU, SCJ  

Young SCJs dedicate themselves to God

The Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo had the joy this February of seeing vocations flourish through perpetual professions and ordinations to the diaconate and the priesthood.

6 Deacons were Ordained in Palembang 
01 March 2024

6 Deacons were Ordained in Palembang 

On February 22, 2024, at St. Paul's Minor Seminary in Palembang, Indonesia, r, six deacons were ordained. The ordination celebration was attended by approximately 70 priests and 500 people.

Two first professions in Ecuador
21 February 2024

Two first professions in Ecuador

On February 10, the novices Cristian and Alexander made their first profession in the District of Ecuador

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