28 June 2023
28 Jun 2023

A month of formation in Asia in preparation before perpetual profession

Each year Asian entities hold an intensive one-month formation course prior to perpetual profession. 21 young confreres from the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and India.

by  July P. Zambrano SCJ

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Every year the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Asia hold a month-long Final Vows Program for the Asian Zone. This year 2023, SCJ Philippines Region will host this important event from June 4 to July 1 in two different communities – Father Dehon Noviate House Community in Zamboanga del Sur will host from June 4 to June 17, and Sacred Heart Formation House Community in Cagayan de Oro City from June 18 to July 1. There are twenty-one SCJ Brothers participating in the final vows program: five from the Philippines, eight from Indonesia, and eight from Vietnam. Two additional SCJ Indian Brothers are still processing their travel papers.

The program has sessions with a different speaker and theme for each of the first three weeks: Father Michael Augustine, SCJ, the SCJ Indian District Superior, for the first week (June 5 to June 9) on the theme “Being Delightful Dehonian Disciples: An Integrated Approach towards Dehonianness (Psycho-Spiritual-Communitarian-Affective Maturity),” Fr. Dominic Nguyen Huu Loc, SCJ from Vietnam for the Second Week (June 12 to June 16) on the theme “Religious Vows: Spirituality and Dehonian dimension,” and Fr. Francis Purwanto, SCJ from Indonesian Province for the third week (June 19 to June 23) about “In the Spirit of Vatican II and other Church’s Documents: Apostolic Dimension in Asian Context of the Religious Vows – Conferences and Exposure.” On the last week, from June 26 to June 30, the Spiritual Retreat will be facilitated by the Philippines Region.

As of the moment, all of the participants, who come from three different countries in Asia, participate actively, getting to know one another through groupings whose members are from different nationalities, discussing their insights on being a Dehonian and its spirituality and openly sharing their thoughts as brothers in the congregation. The event has, so far, been an exciting and delightful experience for all the SCJ participants who will be professing their Final Vows soon.

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