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Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Continuity and Discontinuity
24 September 2021P. Stefano Zamboni scj  

Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Continuity and Discontinuity

Review of the volume edited by Franziska Metzge and Stefan Tertünte, which collects the acts of the colloquium which took place in Rome on November 8-9, 2019.

Mission, Church, Money, Nation: Re-interpreting  Fr. Leo Dehon
26 July 2021Jürgen Strötz  

Mission, Church, Money, Nation: Re-interpreting  Fr. Leo Dehon

As a scholar, Neuhold has presented an innovative methodological ground-breaking and scientifically objective picture of the life and works of one of the central figures of French Catholicism in the late 19th and early 20th century This scholarly work can be read in thought provoking way.

Neuhold’s critical study. An evaluation
01 July 2021Alfredo Verdoy  

Neuhold’s critical study. An evaluation

The Spanish Magazine Estudios eclesiasticos has published a critical reading of David Neuhold's book on Fr. Dehon.

Faith to React, Reinvent Yourself and Start Over!
17 June 2021Gilberto Heleno, scj  

Faith to React, Reinvent Yourself and Start Over!

Fr. Gilberto Heleno scj recently published a book on faith: "The present book," he writes, "intends to encourage the reader in the search for faith and to apply it in the concreteness of his daily life."

Morte. Morte?
03 June 2021Rarden Pedrosa, scj  

Morte. Morte?

Death. Death? the same word in opposite intonations. Philosophy as the "mother of wisdom" is faced with a problem involving man, world, time, etc.  Fr. Rarden Pedrosa publishes a philosophical reflection on the Heideggerian perspective

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