03 December 2017
03 Dec 2017

Leadership in Consecrated Life

by  Rinaldo Paganelli, scj

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Coll-SM rep_5-5The Colloquium for Major Superiors ended last Saturday (25 November) with reflection on the communication process that began last year. Among the presentations offered to the superiors, it is worth noting the one on leadership presented by Fr. Heiner Wilmer.

Father General dealt with the theme of leadership, which is thought to be vital in managing communities. The reflection centered on three things: the leader or superior is called to establish a proper relationship with God, with himself and with the other.

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For the first, there are three fundamental dimensions: active listening, vision and discernment. The simple statement of these terms reveals the richness of suggestions that result from a positive relapse in the conduct of the entities. One must be concrete in the service of animation.

Closely related to the relationship with God is a proper relationship with oneself, made of care and respect: “I must care for myself to be able to care for the other.” One must not neglect any level, neither physical, spiritual, nor interior. Decisive is the space of thought, made of study and reflection. Without a solid foundation there is a risk of genericism.

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Commitment is consistently required through meetings and contacts with confreres, communities, and entities. The superior does not have a task of representation, he should not be obsessively present to any data or fact. Delegation is important because it expresses confidence. It is not to entrust a job, but to give responsibility for an area of action. From this perspective, it is normal to live in a logic of sharing.

The hope is that everyone is optimistic, open to the future, persevering, curious and joyful, to welcome the experience of the prophet Nehemiah who says, “the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Ne 8, 10).

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