26 January 2024
26 Jan 2024

New Board of Directors of the social organizations of the Brazilian Provinces

On January 22, the new board of the “Associação Dehoniana Brasil Meridional” (ADBM), a civil entity that manages the social and educational assistance works of the Dehonian Provinces, took office.

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January 22 saw the inauguration of the new board of the Associação Dehoniana Brasil Meridional (ADBM), the civil entity that administers the Social and Educational Assistance works of the three Brazilian Dehonian Provinces: Brasil São Paulo (BSP), Brasil Meridional (BRM), and Brasil Recife (BRE).

The three Provinces are united in the educational apostolate, seeking to achieve the “civilization of the intelligence and the heart,” according to the educational thought of Father Dehon (1843-1925), founder of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Associação Dehoniana Brasil Meridional is responsible for the actions of the central administration, especially in the accounting, legal, organizational, and governance areas of its supported branches. It is also accountable to the legally constituted authorities and the public for properly functioning the works.

In the St. Joseph Chapel of the Instituto Meninos de São Judas Tadeu (São Paulo city), the Mass was celebrated in thanksgiving for the work carried out by the 2021-2024 board and for the work that will be performed by the new board (2024-2027). The celebration was presided over by the Superior of the BSP Province, Fr. Eli Lobato dos Santos, and concelebrated by the Provincial Superior of the BRE Province, Fr. Josemar Joaquim de Lima, and the SCJ of the new board and directors of the schools, among other SCJ religious, employees, friends, and donors.

In his homily, Fr. Eli emphasized the importance of working to value what is distinctive, avoiding all forms of division, and developing projects with a vision of the future and audacity in the present. At the end of the celebration, the re-elected president of ADBM, Fr. João Carlos Almeida, presented the new board of directors who had taken office for the three-year term and also handed over the Document of Inauguration to the directors of the maintained schools: Colégio e Faculdade São Luiz (Brusque-SC), Colégio e Faculdade ESIC (Curitiba-PR), Escola Paroquial Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Paulista-PE), Faculdade Dehoniana (Taubaté-SP) and the Instituto Meninos de São Judas Tadeu (São Paulo-SP). He reminded the audience that the two pillars of the educational vision of the founder, Father Dehon, were “Love and Truth,” which he translated into the charism expressed in works by those maintained by ADBM: Reparative Love.

  • President: Fr. João Carlos Almeida, scj – BSP
  • Vice-President: Fr. Aléssio da Rosa, scj – BRM
  • Secretary: Fr. Rarden Luís Reis Pedrosa, scj – BSP
  • Vice-Secretary: Fr. Diego Martins, scj – BRM
  • Treasurer: Fr. Cícero Celeste Murara, scj – BRM
  • Vice-Treasurer: Fr. Dalmon Luiz Nogueira Lemos, scj – BRE

 Fiscal Council:

  • Fr. Cleber Sanches, scj – BSP
  • Fr. Cleiton Guimarães dos Santos, scj – BSP
  • Fr. Vagner Donizetti Maciel, scj – BSP


Substitutes for the Fiscal Council:

  • Br. Itaianan Bozza Vieira, scj – BRM
  • Fr. Marilton Nuss, scj – BRM
  • Br. Ederson Krause, scj – BRM
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