22 April 2023
22 Apr 2023

The gift of the diaconate for the Vietnamese church

Joseph Do Ngoc Luan, who belongs to the Vietnamese district was ordained a deacon

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At 9:00 a.m., Friday, April 14, 2023 in the Octave of Easter, at the Sacred Heart Chapel, the district headquarters, Bishop Joseph Nguyen Tan Tuoc, Bishop of Phu Cuong Diocese, ordained Brother  Joseph Do Ngoc Luan who belongs to the District of Vietnam, Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Congregation.

Brother Joseph who spent a long time studying in the Philippines and has now returned to Vietnam to serve the District and the Vietnamese Church.

Attending the Mass were the presence of the priests in the district, the guest priests inside and outside the diocese, the religious, the esteemed family, and the relatives.

In the homily, the Bishop highlighted the power of the Risen Christ appearing in the evangelization of the apostles, who continued to accompany them. Since then, the Bishop also invites everyone to come together to proclaim the Good News of Easter to the world, especially for those brothers and sisters who do not really know and put their faith in the Risen Christ. In addition, the Bishop also had a few words to remind the new Deacon to live worthy of his calling, to live in a spirit of humility and service.

At the end of the Mass, the New Deacon offered thanks to God and gratitude to Bishop Joseph, the concelebrants, the religious men and women and the community who came to join in the Mass to pray for him and his family.

Let us pray for the New Deacon to live out the full meaning of the diaconate in the joy of the Risen Christ and the peace of the life of service to which the Lord has invited the new Deacon into the mystery of His election.

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