The Mission Statement

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MS-formazione 5

The value of communication, identified by the last General Chapter, has received significant attention in recent months. The concern is not just about how and what is communicated but with what style and to whom.

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On Tuesday, June 27, the General Government devoted a morning to talk about the logic behind the communication process. Four moments marked the work, led by communications manager Fr. Radek Warenda and Frs. Pedro Curto and Stefan Tertünte. The result was rich and engaging.

The first step involved revisiting the vision and mission that marks our communication. It is important that there is a group that takes on the task of preserving the values of a tradition, as well as the wider scope of those who express and live the values of the spirituality within the concrete dimensions of community action.

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There are likely to be questions that may arise during the presentation of the mission statement and we must formulate answers. There has been a very animated dialogue about this. The “vision” and “mission” give the congregation the responsibility to constantly read the signs of the times. There is a commitment to get out of the language of sacraments. There is a need to adapt our attention to wider realities and environments beyond ourselves. We must dream without forgetting reality. There must be respect for all, but at the same time, there must be a convergence of projects and paths.

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In regards to theology, it is not possible to say everything about the experience of a spirituality. However, there are many points of value that can be identified and expressed. The main traits of the religious community are found in this statement. It is a proposal that you can follow as a guide in making choices. It reveals a tool that can help you to be faithful to what you understand today about Fr. Dehon and the congregation. In a few statements one can grasp what our identity is. Particularly in today’s reality we keep alive the desire for realization of the Kingdom, fidelity to Eucharistic worship, and the realization of unity.

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Finally, the last aspect centered on the use of the mission statement. At the end of the day, on a personal level, one can see how much has been included in these concise expressions. The same applies at the community level, and not the least, at the level of relationship to the world.

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These are significant and important ideas for communicating the strength of the proposal that can enter people’s lives and give flavor to the events of history.

with open heart

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