30 May 2022
30 May 2022

Vocation, a matter of the heart

In Poland great joy for the ordination of two priests (Uladzislau Chuiko, Wojciech Olszewski) and three deacons (Adam Maj, Karol Szlezinger and Paweł Szlezinger).

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On May 14, two Dehonian priests together with three Dehonian deacons were ordained in the parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Stadniki, Poland, by His Excellency Jacek Kiciński CMF, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Wrocław: Uladzislau Chuiko, Wojciech Olszewski Adam Maj, Karol Szlezinger and Paweł Szlezinger .

The celebration of the Sacrament of Ordination welcomed guests from Poland and outside Poland, including families and friends of the newly ordained, their parish priests and confreres, who were welcomed at the beginning of the liturgy by the seminary rector, Fr. Leszek Poleszak SCJ.

In his homily, Bishop Jacek Kiciński said that every vocation to serve in the Church is a mystery of God and a gift of His love. Vocation is a matter of love.

In this context, the bishop recalled Christ’s words on election and vocation, written by St. John: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and constituted you so that you might go and bear fruit and your fruit might remain” (Jn. 15:16a). This expression of Jesus sums up the essence of our whole life and vocation, for to be chosen by Jesus Christ is to let my life become his property.

Referring to the teaching of Pope Francis, the bishop also asked our brethren to be both those who “smell like sheep,” dedicating their lives to it, and those who bring “the odor of God to the sheep. Following the example of Jesus Christ, the young Dehonian priests and deacons are sent to do this by traveling not only by car but also on foot through the streets of the cities and villages: “Passing through the cities and villages today,” the bishop explained, “we must focus on the face of each concrete person, as the Lord Jesus taught us. (…) Announce to the world today the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

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