25 February 2024
25 Feb 2024

XVI Provincial Chapter, Dehonians BRE

Last February was a remarkable month for the BRE Province. The religious there took part in the XVI Provincial Chapter, which was held in the provincialate.

by  Ramon Bertoldo, scj

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From the 5th to the 8th of that month, topics such as the discussion and approval of the new bylaws, reflection on the dimension of religious life with Father Levi and the presentation of the two three-year terms of the provincial government, which ends in August, guided the days in which everyone gathered there.
The chapter began on Monday (February 5) with the opening Mass of the Chapter Assembly, which was presided over by Fr Josemar Joaquim de Lima, scj. At the end of the Mass, the superior officially announced the chapter days. On that same day, we had the presentation of the themes that would be reflected on, and the prayer at the end of that first moment. On Tuesday (06/02), Father Joãozinho, scj, from the BSP Province, presented the drafting of the new Social Statute, which changes the configuration to Religious Organization. This was a very important topic, as many confreres reflected together with the advisors and made the final adjustments. At the end of the day, everyone voted in favor and the Bylaws came into force. On the same day, in the afternoon, Father Levi dos Anjos Ferreira, scj, reflected on the theme: “Called to be one in a changing world – ‘So that they may believe’ (Jn 17:21): XXV General Chapter of the Congregation”. At the end of the afternoon, study groups were formed to help answer some of the points raised during the day. On Wednesday (07/02), the Provincial delegate and his alternate for the XXV General Chapter were elected, as well as the presentation of the Economic Report for the period 2021-2023. On the evening of the same day, Brother Adson Marinho Ferreira, scj, professed his perpetual vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. The solemn ceremony took place at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church. On Thursday (08/02) we had the presentation and approval of guidelines or motions based on the discussion of the provincial government questionnaire, which arose from the presentation of the report by the provincial superior.
We closed the chapter with Holy Mass on Thursday afternoon. The celebration was presided over by the general councillor, Fr Levi dos Anjos Ferreira, scj

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