13 March 2023
13 Mar 2023

XXV General Chapter: Start!

First Meeting of the Preparatory Commission for the XXV General Chapter in Rome.

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On January 31, 2023 the Superior General and his Council appointed the members of the Preparatory Commission for the XXV General Chapter. They are: Fr. Eugenio Tárua (MOZ); Fr. Juan José Arnaiz Ecker, (ESP); Fr. Willyans Prado Rapozo (CAN); and Fr. Yudistiro Adifitrityassanto (INA).

We are grateful for the suggestions sent from each geographical area, for the welcome given by the superiors of the above-mentioned entities, and for the availability of those invited to be members of the commission.

The Preparatory Commission will meet in Rome from March 2 to 8. A special schedule was organized so that there would be a daily meeting with the General Government to reflect and to think together about the direction we want to take for this very important event in the Congregation, the General Chapter.

The 40th anniversary of the Constitutions and the Centenary of the founder’s death will be the light to illumine the Preparatory Commission and the General Government in the elaboration of the Instrumentum Laboris.

We pray that, through the intercession of Fr. Dehon, we may know how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Beginning now, let us set ourselves in spirit of prayer for the fruitful preparation of the XXV General Chapter.

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