07 December 2022Sergio Rotasperti, scj
Living Advent in Ukraine
What does it mean to experience Advent and prepare for Christmas in Ukraine?
29 May 2022Lorenzo Prezzi SCJ
Ukrainian Orthodoxy: out of Moscow
After more than three centuries of dependence on the Moscow Patriarchate, even the pro-Russian Ukrainian Orthodox Church has decided to cut its relations with the Russian Patriarchate completely off.
07 March 2022Slawomir Knopik, scj
Being together and close according to the charism of Fr. Dehon
The social commitment of many of our communities that have opened their doors to refugees from the Ukraine.
04 March 2022Lorenzo Prezzi SCJ
Ukraine: Putin, Cyril and the vassals
The expansionist model of Putin's Russia and the refusal of the Orthodox Church in Moscow to characterize the military aggression against Ukraine.