Father Dehon’s Birth

With open heart » 14 March 2024

Adoration Vigil Prayer for Father Dehon’s Birth

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Decorations encircling the altar showcase regional fabrics, reflecting the unique characteristics of each locality. The Priest dons a stole adorned with motifs emblematic of the distinct features of each region.


Within the chapel or church, illumination is  provided solely by Easter candles positioned near the altar, accompanied by several smaller candles softly aglow in the vicinity. Musicians offer a gentle melody from their instruments. An introductory reading sets the tone, guiding the faithful in anticipation of Adoration during the Holy Hour.

Dear Confreres,

Today, we gather for Eucharistic Adoration to honour the birthday of Fr. Dehon. Let us turn our hearts towards Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament, as we embrace the tranquillity of this night. Together, let us join in prayer, drawing strength from His Sacred Heart. Our theme for reflection tonight is “Sint Unum”, May they be united (Jn 17:11).

“Sint Unum” stands as one of the enduring legacies of Fr. Dehon. Our Constitution echoes this sentiment multiple times, serving as a constant reminder and source of encouragement as we strive to foster genuine community (Cst 8, 63, 95). As we come together in this prayer vigil to celebrate the anniversary of Father Dehon’s birth, let us delve into the essence of “Sint Unum”. We are called to acknowledge the unique grace within each member and the abundant blessings in every corner of our ministry. This calls us to embrace a true sense of fraternity.

To commence tonight’s worship, we will sing the opening hymn “Bleibet hier”.

 The opening hymn is sung. The priest, accompanied by two altar servers, proceeds from the sacristy to the front of the altar. Subsequently, the priest reverently removes the Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle and places it in the monstrance on the altar.

 Opening Song: Bleibet Hier

Bleibet hier und wachet mit mir
Wachet und betet

Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray

Sign of the Cross

After the priest places the Blessed Sacrament at the altar, accompanied by two altar servers, he kneels before the altar and invites the congregation to begin with the sign of the cross, followed by reciting the opening praises.

L. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of The Holy Spirit.

C. Amen.

 Opening Praises

Blessed are You forever and ever.

L. O Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

C. Hail, Lord Jesus, who is present in the Blessed Sacrament.

L. You are the bread that came down from heaven. You are the Bread that gives life and unites us.

C. Hail, Lord Jesus Christ, who is present at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

L. You are the Source that gives satisfaction for those who thirst.

C. Hail, O Body of Christ, given up for us as a sacrifice. Hail O Blood of Christ, shed for our salvation.

L. You are the One who redeems us from our sins.

C . With all the angels and all the saints.

L. We worship you, O Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament that unites us.

Opening Prayer

L: You will draw the water of life.

C: From the source of salvation.

L: Let us pray, Merciful God, in the heart of Your Son wounded for our sins, You granted us the heart of Your infinite love. Let us offer our worship to Him and practice our repentance in proper behavior. Through Christ our Lord.

C: Amen.

 The priest and the altar servers return to their seats.

 Song Before Reading: In God Alone/ Mon Ame Se repose

Mon âme se repose en paix sur Dieu seul:
de lui vient mon salut.
Oui, sur Dieu seul mon âme se repose, se repose en paix.

In God alone can my soul  find rest and peace
In God my peace and joy
Only in God can my soul  find its rest
Find its rest and peace


A reading from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 10, 16-17)

Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf.


 Following the reading, a designated individual may proceed to share insights on one of the predetermined themes. Each community is encouraged to offer reflections tailored to address local needs and current situations.

 Reflection 1: Diversity Awareness in Unity: Cst 8, 14, 17, 106, 109

Dear Confreres,

No individual exists in isolation; rather, our very essence is rooted in diversity. This truth underscores our interconnectedness and serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of human existence. Despite our varied backgrounds and perspectives, we find our unity in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Paul eloquently expressed this unity, likening us to one body, all partaking in the same spiritual nourishment (1 Corinthians 10:17).

Embracing diversity within unity holds profound significance in cultivating an inclusive and harmonious society. Through diversity, we cultivate an appreciation for differences and the richness they bring to our shared experience. By fostering a spirit of brotherhood, we exemplify unity, embodying Christ’s teachings in every facet of our lives (cf. Cst 17). As Dehonians, it is incumbent upon us to embrace both the diversity and unity within our community, extending support and empathy as we navigate life together (cf. Cst 8). Through our collective efforts, we stand prepared to champion fairness and equity, drawing strength from our shared commitment to the living Body of Christ (cf. Cst 106).

Let us continue to uphold these principles, striving to be beacons of unity amidst the diverse tapestry of humanity.

 Reflection 2: Communion

At the heart of Christian life lies the essence of community—a living expression of our communion with Christ. Our communal existence, with Jesus Christ as our focal point of unity, forms the cornerstone of our religious ethos, in accordance with the vision of our Founding Father. Dwelling together as brothers within the religious community serves as a tangible manifestation of our calling as Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, bearing witness to the boundless love of God and the interconnectedness of humanity. Far from being a mere arrangement, communal living serves as both a journey and a destination, perpetually refined through genuine unity in the love of Christ (cf. Cst 63).

Through our shared life in community, we embody the unity of all people in God, transcending barriers of race and social status. Together, we lay the groundwork for genuine faith and vocation by embracing one another with acceptance and openness. Rooted in love and brotherhood, the community endeavors ceaselessly to epitomize the truth that it is in Christ that our collective identity is formed (cf. Cst 67).

Reflection 3: Mission as Dehonian

Dear Confreres,

In Jesus’ prayer for us, encapsulated in the concept of “Sint Unum”, we find not only the essence of communion, as emphasized by Paul (1 Corinthians 10:16-17), but also the dimension of mission. Christ entered the world as an expression of God’s profound love for humanity. Through Christ, God sought to restore the unity with humanity that had been fractured by sin (cf. John 3:16). Within this Trinitarian unity, Father Dehon reminds us that mission is not only integral to our Dehonian identity but also constitutes a distinctive form of apostolic service (cf. Cst 31).

So, what does our mission entail? It involves opening our eyes, hearts, and minds to the signs of the times, which in turn compel us to actively contribute to the establishment of justice and Christian charity in the world (cf. Cst 32).

 After the reading of the reflection follows the song Ubi Caritas

Song After the Reflection: Ubi Caritas

Ubi caritas et amor. Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.

Silent Time

Time for silence. After the silence, all are invited to pray the Prayer of Unity.

Unity Prayer

L:   Gracious God, You have bestowed Your Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem and unite all of humanity. You also desire that we come together, live harmoniously, and be at peace with everyone.

C:     We are grateful to You, Father because You have united us through Your Son by the Holy Eucharist. By receiving the body and blood of Your Son, Jesus, we become one with You.

L:     Grant the spirit of unity to Your Church. May the Church be one. May we, as Christians, bear witness to You in the world by living in peace and unity because of the celebration of the Eucharist that unites Your people everywhere and throughout all ages.

C:     Make us one, just as the many grains of wheat and clusters of grapes are made into one heavenly offering and one Body of Christ. Your Son became a brother to us and desires that we all be inseparable from Him.

L:    Help us love one another and have unity in thought, heart, and action, for we have all partaken of the same Heavenly Bread from You. And You call each one of us to the same communion in Your eternal kingdom.

C:   You are our Father. May we, as human beings, become one flock following one true shepherd, Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, now and forever. Amen.

After the Prayer of Unity,  one of the prayer options available below is prayed together. Other prayers can be taken according to the conditions of each region with the theme Sint Unum.

 Prayer 1: Prayer for Unity

O Lord Jesus Christ, Fountain of true peace, You have washed away our sins and bound us to the Father through the Holy Spirit. Your redemptive work extends not only to humanity but also to all creation, ushering in a new order of existence—a “new heaven and earth”. This profound mystery of salvation, O Christ, finds its ongoing expression in Your Church, the sacrament of salvation for the entire cosmos.

We offer our gratitude, O Lord, through our prayers and acts of penance. Grant us the grace to cultivate a deeper and more sincere union with You. May we always be receptive to Your word and obedient to Your will as we steadfastly pursue our mission with confidence and devotion, fortified by courage and resolve. Let us contribute to the work of peace for all, so that every voice proclaims the lordship of Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Prayer 2: May They Be One

Holy Father, safeguard us in Your name, that we may be united as one. Just as You, Father, are in Jesus, and Jesus, Your Son, is in You, may we also abide in You, so that the world may recognize You as the sender of the Redeemer. As He dwells within us, and You within Him, may we be brought to complete unity, revealing to the world that You sent Him and that You love us just as You love Jesus, Your Son.

Holy Father, we acknowledge that You sent Jesus, Your Son, who has revealed Your name to us and will continue to do so, ensuring that the love You have bestowed upon Him remains within us. Amen.

Prayer 3: Unite Us, O Lord

Lord of Unity, You desire unity among all Your disciples, both with one another and with You. Grant us the grace of unity. May Your love pour out upon us, that we may experience the unity You have promised, particularly in our homeland, which has recently been marred by chaos and division in political, social, and divisive realms. Let the Church serve as a beacon of unity for our nation. For we believe that through this unity, there will be an atmosphere of mutual respect for the marginalized and solidarity for the oppressed. May we, as members of Your people, be compassionate and ever-ready, working together for the common good and bringing glory to Your name. Amen.

Prayer 4: Respecting Differences

Almighty God, Creator of the world in its diverse forms, from the multitude of species to the rich tapestry of human cultures and nations, we acknowledge Your wisdom reflected in this diversity. Teach us, O Lord of Wisdom, to honor the myriad voices and perspectives present in our midst, and guide us to engage in dialogue that leads to consensus. Instil in us a reverence for the fundamental principles of life, guarding against the tyranny of the majority and the oppression of the minority. We believe that true recognition and appreciation of our differences will steer our nation toward a society characterized by justice and prosperity. Amen.

General Intercessions:

Leader: O Lord, hear our prayer.
All: O Lord, hear my prayer.

Leader: Let us pray for the Holy Father, bishops, and priests, that God may bless them in their ministries, reflecting the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

All: O Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For the leaders of our congregation, may they be inspired by the love of the Sacred Heart to serve with dedication and compassion, guided by the spirit of Father Leo John Dehon.

All: O Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for our national leaders, that they may govern with wisdom, justice, and compassion, guided by the principles of righteousness.

All: O Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For world peace, may Jesus, the Prince of Peace, enlighten the hearts of leaders, inspiring them to choose the path of peace and reconciliation over conflict and violence.

All: O Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: Let us lift up all Dehonian ministries, that they may be infused with the love of the Sacred Heart, becoming channels of God’s grace and glory in the world.

All: O Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: Finally, we pray for all present here, that we may be united in love, reflecting the unity of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.

All: O Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: Let us now silently offer our personal intentions to the Lord.

A moment of silent prayer

Leader: Heavenly Father, we offer these prayers and petitions to You, trusting in Your infinite mercy and love. Hear and answer them according to Your will, through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

The Lord is My Song

O Lord hear my pray’r, O Lord hear my pray’r
When I call, answer me
O Lord hear my pray’r, O Lord hear my pray’r
Come and listen to me

Our Father

After the prayers, the Our Father is sung (can also use the Lord’s Prayer in the local language).

 Tantum Ergo


L: You have given them Bread from heaven.

C: Having within it all sweetness.

L: Let us pray, Lord Jesus Christ, You gave us the Eucharist as the memorial of your suffering and death. May our worship of this sacrament of your body and blood, help us to experience the salvation you won for us and the peace of the kingdom, where you live the Father and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen.


 Praises for the Blessed Sacrament

L: Glory to you, only Son of the Father, Jesus Christ.

C: Glory to you, Son of Mary, God with us and savior.

L: Glory to you, Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world.

C: Glory to you, King of heaven, the only mediator of our salvation.

L: Glory to you, patient and merciful, rich to those who call upon you.

C: Glory to you, pierced by a lance, source of the new creation.

L: Glory to you, who sit at the right hand of the Father.

L: Lord forever and ever.

C:    Amen.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, our protector, pray for us.
All the angels and saints, pray for us.
Blessed Juan Maria de la Cruz , pray for us.
Venerabile Leo John Dehon, Pray for us.

Concluding Song: Sint Unum

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