30 June 2017
30 Jun 2017

First Profession of Vows

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On June 28, 2017, five (5) SCJNovices, three (3) Filipino: Rey Rhet E. Maglinte, Ferdinand T. Quintos, Sylvester Martin A. Santos , and two (2) Vietnamese: Long Doan Quang Hoang and Van Nam Nguyen , professed their first vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience in the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The vows were accepted by Fr. Franciszek Pupkowski, SCJ, superior of the Philippine Region. The ceremony was held at the church of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish in Dumalinao and was witnessed by SCJs coming from different communities, families and friends of the newly professed religious.

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