14 October 2019
14 Oct 2019

General Curia – Pilgrimage to Pioppe di Salvaro

by  Ramon Dominguez Fraile, scj

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The members of the Rome II community, together with the General Curia, went to Monte Sole on Saturday 12 October to commemorate with the Salesians the 75th anniversary of the death of Fr. Martino Capelli, SCJ, and Don Elia Comini SDB.

It was a wonderful day in which we had the opportunity to discover the different places where Fr. Martino Capelli lived the last months of his life: Monte Sole, Salvaro, Pioppe di Salvaro.

At 3.00 pm we gathered together with the Salesians to celebrate Mass next to the “Botte”, where Fr. Martin and D. Elia were killed, along with 42 other victims.

It is a duty and an honor to snatch from the oblivion in a time like ours that preserves much but forgets even more so, the painful and at the same time uplifting events in which the beauty and sanctity of the Church shine. Remembering is an obligation not to forget the heroic sacrifice of so many lives. Remembering is also a humble and grateful gratitude for learning to share the sufferings and difficulties of others. Remembering is a commitment to assume the same evangelical witness of the gift of self.

We thank God who gave us a wonderful day, with a splendid sun, and so we were able to realize this dream that had long been in the mind and heart of many Dehonian and Salesian religious.

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