“My temptations” (video)

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Festa SC-20176

With focused attention on what influences a Dehonian’s life, Fr. General guided a morning of reflection on the occasion of the feast of the Sacred Heart. The reflection centered on three temptations that can have a devastating impact:

– When I think that I am overly important

– When I want others to love me as a “star”

– When I want to control other people.

Festa SC-20173

Christ Jesus was not free from this dimension of negativity. He had his temptations at the beginning of his public life (Mt 4:1-10), and he was tempted. Benedict XVI, in the book Jesus of Nazareth, defines the temptations of Christ as the temptations of the priest because he lives in Christ himself. Within this panorama comes to light the key experience of Jesus before being presented as a public person: baptism in the Jordan. Starting from that there was a platform that allowed Jesus Christ to overcome his temptations: “You are my beloved Son, in you I have been pleased” (Mt 3:17).

Festa SC-20175

The purpose of temptation is to lose identity, to believe that we are another. Jesus resists this saying “no,” because he hears the words of the Father saying “I love you, you are my Son.” You do not have to do things to be loved because you’re already loved. The same should be welcomed and lived by the Dehonian.

Festa SC-20171

In spite of the inevitable efforts, Fr. General hopes that those in the Church with responsibilities are people who pray, who are who are vulnerable though not afraid of injuries, filled with a trust that is without limits.

The theme of the wound was found throughout the homily and effective images were given to considere the redemptive bloody wound of the Heart of Jesus.

fr. Rinaldo Paganelli, scj

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