18 March 2016
18 Mar 2016

The colors and the life of the Province

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For several days the general treasurer, Fr. Luca Zottoli, with Fr. Tomasz Flak, traveled in Congo to get an overview of existing initiatives and the economic management of the realities of the DRC Province. In Kinshasa, first impressions are positive. Recently the airport was modernized: the work has made everything more enjoyable and comfortable.

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Encountering Africa is always an interesting experience for anyone who carries European preconceptions; one is urged to rethink many things, such as what is most essential and ensure that what is most important does not get lost in the search for unnecessary things. The presence of the confreres makes this change of perspective easier and life seems more normal. Waiting at the airport in Kinshasa on the way to Kisangani opens one to new people, to see what happens, and read the signs around you.

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Arriving at the Bishop Grison Center brings with it the thrill of being in front of the great Congo River, which moves majestically in front of the house where the provincial assembly takes place. Here, the beauty of nature is combined with the modern comfort of the Grison Center, which is built to hold meetings and retreats. It is in this place, made more beautiful by nature, that the provincial assembly is held. At the assembly, there are representatives of all the communities. During the two-day assembly, thanks to the presentation of the activities of each community and apostolate, everyone had the chance to have a complete overview of the province, its spiritual, pastoral, economic, and communal challenges and opportunities. The climate of fraternity does not prevent serious discussion, rather it helps to advance initiatives and discuss ways of improving certain aspects.

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