29 February 2016
29 Feb 2016

The Major Superiors of Europe meet in Clairefontaine

by  Rinaldo Paganelli,scj

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From February 29 to March 4, the major superiors of Europe will hold their annual meeting in Clairefontaine, Belgium. At the heart of their reflections will be the theme of the social pastoral ministry in Europe. The theme has received the following title: “The Dehonian Social Dimension in Europe Today”. It is an important challenge and very topical at this time because the European social environment is undergoing difficult times and the choices are complicated. There is a common feeling, which we witness almost daily in the fragmentation of the current lines of action and the lowering of what seemed our common values.

The theme will also launch the concerns that emerged at the last general chapter and in the program of the new General Administration. It consists in the noble attempt to elaborate the response which different entities are in the process of offering in the social field, in order to arrive at a number of possible lines of action, shared and supported by all.

Each province has the opportunity during the meeting to present briefly their current social activities of their entity. The recognition of what is there already is a good point of departure to explore new possibilities, to re-launch the existing ones and to put in place new initiatives

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