14 agosto 2017
14 ago 2017

RSA – five profess vows

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On Saturday, August 12, five novices of the South African Province made their first profession of vows during the 10:00 am Mass at Sacred Heart parish in Katlehong, Johannesburg. The newly professed are: Zachaeus Tembo, Thabonyana Johannes November, John Tembo, Andreas Keta and Joseph Chaka Molapo. Fr. Bernard Tente Sompane, SCJ, provincial superior, presided over the Eucharist. Fr. Innocent Mabheka, SCJ (the parish priest), spoke in his homily about the importance of the evangelical vows. The long awaited event was attended by SCJs, scholastics from the International Dehon Formation House, Oblates, Benedictines, diocesan priests and families of the newly professed. The celebration was followed by lunch.

We congratulate these newly professed SCJs and wish them courage and a great journey with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Dehonians.

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BOTTOM PHOTO:  Zachaeus Tembo, Joseph Chaka Molapo, Thabonyana Johannes November, John Tembo and Andreas Keta

INCLUDED IN THE TOP PHOTO:  Thabonyana Johannes November, Zachaeus Tembo, Andreas Keta, Provincial Bernard Tente Sompane, John Tembo and Joseph Chaka Molapo.


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