
Amnesty International: report on Syria
12 September 2021Riccardo Cristiano  

Amnesty International: report on Syria

Former refugees tortured, raped, disappeared after returning home. Syrian security forces have subjected Syrians who returned home after seeking refuge abroad to detention, disappearance and torture, including sexual violence, Amnesty International said.

Handling China and the changing paradigms of international politics
06 September 2021Francesco Sisci  

Handling China and the changing paradigms of international politics

In his latest press conference, American President Joseph Biden, explaining the reasons for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. In this paradigm, China was crucial.

Whose Afghanistan?
23 August 2021Francesco Sisci  

Whose Afghanistan?

The withdrawal of Western troops from Afghanistan has provoked deep soul-searching in the West. What have we done, and what are we doing now with that rugged land in the heart of Eurasia?

Days of terror in Caracas in the Cemetery Barrio
10 July 2021Alejandro Iglesias  

Days of terror in Caracas in the Cemetery Barrio

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Mt 11:28).

Clashes? No, Peace in the Middle East
30 May 2021Francesco Sisci  

Clashes? No, Peace in the Middle East

A critical reading of the current tension between Israel and Palestine, in the context of Middle East politics

France: secularity between freedom and suspicion
03 May 2021P. Lorenzo Prezzi scj  

France: secularity between freedom and suspicion

If passed, the law bearing the title For the Respect of the Principles of the French Republic will transform the climate of mutual trust into a regime of distrust, limitation and control.

The European Union and Syria
19 April 2021Riccardo Cristiano  

The European Union and Syria

For the first time, the crimes perpetrated by the Syrian regime and recounted by survivors have found legal acceptance in the International Criminal Court of the European Union.

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