21 December 2022
21 Dec 2022

Annual meeting of the International Theological Commission

The meeting of the International Theological Commission was held in Rome on December 12 -14, 2022. A large part of the work was spent preparing the theological seminar that will take place in Madrid in 2023.

by  Artur Sanecki, scj

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On December 12-14, 2022, the members of the Dehonian International Theological Commission (CTID) met together in the Generalate house for their annual face-to-face meeting. It was, in fact, the first time after the time of the global pandemic crisis, that all the members of the Commission managed to arrive in Rome: Fr. John van den Hengel (North America), Fr. Manuel Antonio Teixeira (South America), Fr. Joseph Kuate (Africa), Fr. Michael Augustine Moses (Asia) and Fr. Stefano Zamboni (Europe). Two other members of the Commission, Fr. Victor de Oliveira Barbosa (coordinator of the CSD) and Fr. Artur Sanecki (general counselor), who were already present in Rome, completed the group of participants for the meeting.

The program of the meeting included the presentation of the work of the continental theological commissions, which gather the confreres from the entities of each respective continent. Stefano Zamboni, director of the Dehoniana magazine, presented the new issue of the magazine and led the discussion on the prospects for its future development. A part of the meeting was dedicated to the current activities and projects of the Dehonian Study Center. Indeed, scholarship holders and full-time collaborators of the CSD [Fr. Emerson Marcelo Ruiz (BSP), Fr. José Gregorio Gonzalez Benitez (VEN), Fr. Nilson Helmann (BRM), Fr. Parfait Brice Mongo (CMR) and Fr. Yudistira A.F. Tyassanto (INA)] actively participated in the work of the first two days of the meeting.

A large part of the work of the Theological Commission was dedicated to the next triennial theological seminar of the continental theological commissions, which at this time is scheduled for May 2023, and will be held at the headquarters of the ESIC university in Madrid. With the presence of Fr. Marco Bernardoni (ITS), editor of the SettimanaNews and coordinator of the preparatory commission of this theological seminar, who accompanied the CTID during the first two days of the work, it was possible to work out the final details and to plan the next steps to be completed. The seminar in Madrid will focus on the perspective of the charism of the social commitment of the Dehonians.  The seminar will deal with the current theme of the integral economy: Towards an economy for all: inclusive, sustainable, just.

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