17 July 2020
17 Jul 2020

Jesus’ lifestyle is our lifestyleTheological Seminar SCJ

Fr. Carlos Garcia reacts to the debate on the community as a trinitarian place. Fr. Michel Simo speaks of community life in the style of Jesus

by  Rodrigo Arruda

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he first part of the online work was dedicated to the conference of the Claretian Fr. Carlos Garcia, who reiterated three fundamental elements: the magisterium, the current situation, and discernment about community life. After many centuries and starting from the Second Vatican Council, the ecclesial magisterium has re-proposed the Trinity as a model for human relations. The second element concerns the interdisciplinary contribution for understanding the epochal change, in which we find appreciation of relationships in various areas of knowledge (theology, psychology, natural sciences …). The third element is the need for an examination of conscience with respect to the testimony we transmit to people as a community: if it is not the risen Christ, we are wasting time.

The seminar continued with the conference presented by Fr. Michel Simo Temgo, from Cameroon, with the emblematic title: “Jesus’s lifestyle: Root of the educational and liberating force of Sint Unum”. Taking up Pope Francis’ reflections on spiritual worldliness, he highlighted how it is necessary today to become “experts in communion”. Starting from concrete experience in Cameroon, he highlighted how the challenge of Sint Unum is to grow in fraternal communion and as disciples of Jesus. Reconciliation is an essential tool for growing in Sint Unum.

Finally, Fr. Michel Simo outlined what characterizes Jesus’ lifestyle in the Gospels and the process of discipleship, and therefore concludes: “Our ‘spiritual vision’ is essentially characterized by a permanent tension which finds meaning in the lifestyle of Jesus”, a style characterized by service, hospitality, love and credibility in which we find the right path for Sint Unum.

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