Blessed Virgin Mary Mediator of all GracesMay 8, Memorial

With open heart » 8 May 2025
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In this memorial Father Dehon’s devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is continued as expressed in the Spiritual Directory: “By her life as a victim, by her sacrifices and sufferings, Mary became the reparation and mediation between God and man. In the midst of unspeakable suffering, she adopted as her children all the souls redeemed by the death of her Son and thus won the right to their love, gratitude, fidelity and attachment. She would like to fill them all with that love with which her Heart was inflamed. Mary would like to lead them all to the Heart of her Son, king, lover, spouse of pure hearts. . . She seeks compassionate hearts, hearts that console our Lord with their love and their fidelity” (DSP 47).

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