24 July 2017
24 Jul 2017

Mission Statement website

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Who are the Priests of the Sacred Heart, the Dehonians? What are our values, our priorities? The Rule of Life, built on the foundation of the charism left to us by Fr. Leo Dehon, answers these questions in detail. The Rule is something to be studied and cherished by SCJs from the first days of formation.

Last year the general administration, in collaboration with others, developed a Mission Statement that takes the essence of that Rule of Life and gives it focus in today’s terminology.

There are two parts to the Dehonian Mission Statement: vision and mission. Our vision is to “Love with open heart and mind.” We are witnesses of God’s transforming love in souls and societies. Our mission is “Adveniat Regnum Tuum – Your Kingdom Come.” Our focus as Dehonians is on the people who are most in need and for the young. We live in community, our inspiration is based in Eucharistic Adoration.

In a fragmented world, we believe unity to be possible.

A website (www.openheartandmind.org) has been developed about our Mission Statement. On it you will find a variety of resources regarding it, including ways that the Mission Statement can be put into practice on a personal level, in a community or ministry, and on the entity level.

Click here to learn more.

With an “Open Heart and Mind” we are Dehonians!


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