27 June 2017
27 Jun 2017

Mission Statement

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Croce-dehoniana RED

Our vision: Love with open heart and mind

We are witnesses of God’s transforming love in souls and society.

We spread God’s love around the world with open heart and mind.

Our Mission: Adveniat Regnum Tuum – Your kingdom come

We are especially for people who are most in need and for the young. Our Congregation focuses on education, social work, missions, spirituality and media to announce the kingdom of God.

We live in community, are inspired by daily Eucharistic Adoration, and in a fragmented world we believe unity to be possible.


with open heart

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Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Communication Officecomunicazione@dehoniani.org
Tel. +39 328 930 5024
Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Priests of the Sacred Heart of JesusGeneralate
Via del Casale san Pio V, 20
00165 Roma, Italia
Tel. +39.06.660.560

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