05 July 2021
05 Jul 2021

Pope accepts the resignation of Bishop Aloysius Sudarso scj

Mgr. Aloysius Sudarso scj has been serving as bishop of Palembang (Indonesia) for 28 years.

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In Indonesia, on the feast day of St.Thomas the apostle, Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Mgr. Aloysius Sudarso, scj. The former provincial and the second Bishop from province of Indonesia has been serving as bishop for 28 years and on december 12, he celebrated his 76th birthday.

Mgr. Aloysius Sudarso was born on December 12, 1945 in Jyogyakarta. He was ordained on 14 December 1972. On 17 November 1993, Mgr.Aloysius Sudarso scj was appointed as the Auxiliary Bishop of Palembang. On 25 March 1994, he was ordained bishop by Joseph Hubertus Soudant scj then the bishop of Palembang. On 1 July 2013 the diocese of Palembang was elevated to that of an archdiocese, and as a result Mgr.Aloysius Sudarso position was elevated from bishop to archbishop.


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