06 April 2022
06 Apr 2022

Proceeding of the Causa super virtutibus of Father André Prévot, scj

On Thursday, 24 March 2022, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints held the session of the 2nd Peculiar Congress of Theological Consultors concerning the Causa super virtutibus ac fama sanctitatis of Father André Léon Prévot (1840-1913).

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On Thursday, March 24, 2022, the first vespers of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord and the remembrance of the baptism of our Founder. The Theological Consultors of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints expressed a positive opinion concerning the Response of the General Dehonian Postulation regarding the Relatio et Vota of the First Congress of Theological Consultors, held on February 24, 2015. The Response was drafted during the year 2020 and presented on 8 May 2021 for its study in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

In their examination of the Cause, the Theological Consultors pronounced on the heroic exercise of the Christian virtues and the reputation for holiness of the Servant of God, Father André Prévot.

After the Session of the Theological Consultors, the Positio of the Servant of God, Father André Prévot, can continue its canonical process of the Roman phase towards venerability: that is, the Session of the Congregation of Cardinals and Bishops. The Cause of Father André Prévot therefore continues on its way.

We can say that charity towards God and neighbour inspired his whole life and all his virtues.

Charity towards God

Faith and hope created in him “the climate of charity”, which translates into a great love for God, fidelity to Him, the search for holiness of life and the promotion of it especially among priests and consecrated souls.

Charity to his neighbour

Aware of having to overcome much resistance due to his temperament, he gradually learned to always put “the measure of charity” into everything he said and did, always making goodness and firmness prevail, but also the feeling of right understanding. In his priestly ministry, he showed great and passionate zeal. In the community, with the brothers entrusted to his care, he was loving, attentive, helpful and very understanding, always giving sympathy and closeness.

 We turn to the God of mercy, with his prayer, loved by so many Dehonians, which is a model of constant charity and a beautiful summary of how the authentic disciple of the Sacred Heart must live his love: “Love knows no measure”.

From time to time I will tell myself:
you must not place a limit on your love.
When self-love tells me:
defend your rights, I will answer:
You must not place a limit on your love.
If laziness says:  you need some rest, I will answer:
You must not place a limit on your love.
If the wisdom of the world tells me not to forgive
In order not to lose self-worth, I will answer:
You must not place a limit on your love.
If I am embarrassed, tense, tired, I will tell myself:
Have courage! You must not place a limit on your love.
Then, on my part, when I will have need of help, counsel,
correction, consolation, perhaps forgiveness, support
for the body, for the soul, for myself or my brothers/sisters,
then I will turn to Jesus and say:
“Good master, you promised to use the same measure:
You too must not place a limit on your love”. Amen.

We invite you to continue to learn about the life of our Servant of God, Father Dehon’s esteemed collaborator, and above all to pray to the Heart of Jesus for his intercession:

Divine Heart of Jesus, we adore you and love you
as the source of all grace and holiness.
Where a ray of your love rests,
the most beautiful virtues flourish.
Thus you loved Father André Prévot.
Introducing him to the mysteries of your pierced Heart,
you gave him humility, a victim spirit,
and filial tenderness for Mary Most Holy.
Above all you inflamed his heart with divine love
and you made it beat to the rhythm of a charity that surpasses every measure.
Therefore we pray to you, O Divine Heart of Jesus,
to glorify your faithful Servant and to arouse in us a longing for holiness.
Guide us through the difficult paths of virtue,
especially of humility and mortification,
and, through his intercession,
grant us and our loved ones the gift of peace,
the grace that we ask of you…
and the final perseverance in your Heart.

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