16 May 2022
16 May 2022

Provincial Assembly and new priests in Indonesia

The provincial assembly had a large presence of confreres. At the end of the assembly, 8 young SCJs were ordained as priests.

by  Wahyu Tri, scj

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The members of INA province gathered for Assembly on Thursday, April 28, 2022, in Giri Nugraha Retreat House Palembang. Since the pandemic, three years ago INA province did not have gatherings with all members. The enthusiasm of members is fantastic. More than 140 members from many communities in Indonesia attended the assembly. Our two missionaries, Fr Zeamrudi (Taiwan) and Fr Lilo (Bogota) came as well.

The superior, fr. Andreas Suparman said the assembly is a moment to strengthen fraternity. He appreciated the confreres for their services and ministry in their own places. He reminded the members that as Dehonian, we need to be aware of what we do, our attitudes, and our gestures as our expression to love for God and the people. In particular, he talked about the message of Pope Francis to protect the life and the minor. On this occasion, fr. Superior sent three missionaries who will go to archdiocese Samarinda Kalimantan (Borneo) and the Philippines region.

Fr Sugiarno and fr Wahyu Tri had the opportunity to explain the data of INA treasure and the progress of chapter results. Then the participants had dialogue and shared their concerns and ideas for the good of the community.

The gift of priesthood ordination

At the end of the Assembly, Dehonian Indonesia celebrated the gift of priesthood ordination. The eight new priests said the mass with all members.

Indonesia Province was granted 8 new priests ordained by Archbishop Yohanes Harun Yuwono. The eight were ordained at St Peter Parish, Palembang. More than 104 priests attended the ordination.

The new priests are fr. Methodius Darmuat Abdi Buana, fr. Agustinus Tri Winarno, fr. Yosafat Hengki Sanjaya, fr. Finsentius Ari Setiono, fr. Jonathan Christian Munthe, fr. Albertus Bayu Christanto, fr. Fransiskus Suseno and fr. Martinus Joko Windiatmoko.

The ordained chose the inspiration from Colossians 2:7 as their motto “Rooted, built and overflowing.” They believe that their lives are rooted and built by God. The ordination is a kind of moment to overflow thankfulness for the people of God.

The archbishop Mgr. Yohanes addressed his homily that a calling to shepherd the people is a calling to accompany them into holiness. They should remember that they take part in Jesus’s mission.

Fr. Andreas Suparman, the superior provincial, thanked the ordained for their availability and commitment to serve the church. Fr. Andreas emphasized the need to do holy ministry with a joyful heart. At the end of his speech, he mentioned the assignment of the new priests. Fr Suseno and Fr Agustinus work for the mission at Timika Papua. Fr Jonathan is assigned to be a priest assistant and formator. Fr Methodius serves the school. Fr Joko and Fr Hengki work as parish assistants. Fr Ari works for orphans in St Mary orphanage. Lastly, Fr. Albert will study canon law in Rome.

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