06 May 2019
06 May 2019

Provincial assembly of the Dehonians

by  Idriss D. Fotie, scj

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2019-05-05 Copia di Assemblée Provinciale CMR 2019 12

From April 23 to 26, 2019, the Dehonians of the Cameroon province held their provincial assembly in the Centre d’acceuil des Fransicains de l’Emmanuelin Melong II (Diocese of Nkongsamba). This great occasion, which gathered about 80 SCJ confreres started with the celebration of the solemn vespers on Tuesday 23rdApril 2019.

The theme for this year 2019 was “Sint Unum: we are living stones, only Christ is the Builder.” Mr. Jean Baptiste Talla, a member of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), facilitated our reflection on this theme through exercises in group workshops. These exercises helped us to rediscover our mutual responsibilities in the daily building of our Sint Unum, vital to our dehonian life.

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During these 3 days, we also evaluated the life of our province in all its activities and discussed about our provincial patrimony as well as our projects. The intervention of two representatives of the group of lay dehonians showed us how our spirituality is lived by these members of the Dehonian family.

On the last evening before the vespers, the facilitator called the confreres to do a procession with candles behind the Provincial Superior who carried the Easter candle, to symbolize by this way our fraternal communion in the life of the province. Moreover, after the vespers, someKolanutswere shared among the confreres present as an enculturated sign of reconciliation and communion.  

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On the last day in the morning, Rev. Fr. Leopold Mfouakouet, general councilor, who came to Cameroon for this occasion gave us an insight of what he has followed throughout the plenaries. After the celebration of the Eucharist presided by the Provincial Superior Rev. Fr. Jean Marie Signie at midday, a lunch was taken, which ended up this great rendez-vous of the provincial assembly.



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