08 July 2022
08 Jul 2022

“Vacation from war”. Summer camp for children during vacation in Irpin.

German Province committed to helping Dehonians in Ukraine. Not only a financial commitment, but also moral support in restoring life and hope.

by  Brigittte Deiters

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It has been more than a month since Father Andrzej Olejnik SCJ, priest of the Sacred Heart of Irpin, visited Neustadt (Germany). He had made the long and arduous journey from the small town near Kiev to receive a special donation: The Procure of Mission had used the donations to purchase a car, which Sacred Heart priests now use for their pastoral and social work.

In Irpin in June, the “Children’s Campus” took place: Already on the first day, about 90 children came to take a “vacation” from the war and destruction and rest. On the second day, the animators have already counted 110 children enrolled.

The daily schedule for the week includes playing and praying together. The children also get something to eat for lunch. Fortunately, the church in Irpin was not damaged by the Russian attacks. Therefore, some parts of the vacation program can take place inside the church, especially if it rains. But not only the service is held in the church, children also eat here and stay for a few games

Fr. Andrzej Olejnik SCJ returned to Irpin in May, tired but healthy, and he is extremely grateful, not only for the car: “It allows us to continue implementing our social projects. Thank you for everything related to the purchase and transfer of the car. Thank you also for the good conversations, empathy and words of encouragement. We are even more grateful because we know very well that without your help we would not be able to carry out our initiatives. May the Heart of Jesus generously repay your openness and willingness.”

The Priests of the Sacred Heart remain important helpers and companions of the people. Father Olejnik says, “The great and serious war continues to bring much fear, devastation and death to our region. Many people have returned and are trying to put their homes in order. We remain united with you in prayer.”

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