Christmas B
08 January 2021André Vital Félix da Silva, obispo scj
In the Beloved Son, we are blessed and loved
The Baptism of the Lord
04 January 2021André Vital Félix da Silva, scj bishop
The king who was not born in Herod’s palace
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
01 January 2020André Vital Félix da Silva, scj bishop
He pitched his tent at us!
2nd Sunday after Christmas
30 December 2020André Vital Félix da Silva, scj bishop
Mother and guardian of the Son of God
Holy Mary, Mother of God
26 December 2020André Vital Félix da Silva, scj bishop
Family: real and sacred
Feast of the Holy Family
24 December 2020André Vital Félix da Silva, scj bishop
Christmas: an urgent prophecy!
The Nativity of the Lord