Joseph R. Dean

Saved from sin and death
07 January 2022Fernando Rodrigues da Fonseca, scj  

Saved from sin and death

The Baptism of the Lord

Seeing the star at its rising
04 January 2022Fernando Rodrigues da Fonseca, scj  

Seeing the star at its rising

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

Christ is born of a woman
30 December 2021Joseph R. Dean, scj  

Christ is born of a woman

Holy Mary, Mother of God

Our Savior has appeared
23 December 2021Joseph R. Dean, scj  

Our Savior has appeared

The Nativity of the Lord

Remembering Mary’s faith
17 December 2021Joseph R. Dean, scj  

Remembering Mary’s faith

4th Sunday of Advent

Encountering John, encountering Jesus
10 December 2021Joseph R. Dean, scj  

Encountering John, encountering Jesus

3rd Sunday of Advent

Awaiting the healing of memories
03 December 2021Joseph R. Dean, scj  

Awaiting the healing of memories

2nd Sunday of Advent

We await the final healing of violence
26 November 2021Joseph R. Dean, scj  

We await the final healing of violence

1st Sunday of Advent

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