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Country: Madagascar
50 years of SCJ presence in Madagascar
The opening ceremony of the jubilee of the Madagascar Region and the inauguration of the SCJ family tomb took place from 10 to 11 August 2024 in Ambohimirary Antananarivo.
Formation: a priority for Dehonians in Madagascar
Interview with Father Jean Léonard Ramarofanomezana, Regional Superior, about the Chapter and the Superior General's visit.
5th Regional Chapter in Madagascar
Under the theme "Soyons-unis" (Let’s be united), the SCJs of Madagascar held their 5th Regional Chapter from September 20 to 23, 2023 at Andranobe, the novitiate house.
A month of formation in Madagascar
An intensive experience that - as the young brothers say - "will last for a lifetime."
Deepening the foundations of the Dehonian Charism in the SCJ formation houses of Madagascar
"I would like to briefly share my internship experience in the formation houses of Madagascar".
A month of graces for Madagascar
For the first time in the history of Dehonians in Madagascar, is recorded the highest number of candidates for religious life.
Yvon Mathieu, scj #Madagascar
“Ecce venio – Inty Aho”
In Madagascar 7 novices had professed their first vows and 11 Brothers renewed their commitment to the Lord.