Dehonian Studies

The New Constitutions: the Dutch Perspective
09 March 2022Paul de Vries, scj  

The New Constitutions: the Dutch Perspective

The Dutch province found itself in a stormy period.

Reminiscence on a General Chapter
21 February 2022John van den Hengel, scj  

Reminiscence on a General Chapter

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the recognition of our Constitutions, we present some witnesses to the General Chapter that worked on the Rule of Life: fr. John van den Hengel, scj

Unpublished texts of the founder
10 February 2022

Unpublished texts of the founder

Fr. Parfait-Brice Mongo works on the preparation of unpublished texts of Fr. Dehon.

Touching the life of the Congregation with your hands
09 February 2022

Touching the life of the Congregation with your hands

Fr. Nilson Helmann works on the last general chapters from a canon law perspective.

Growing and Deepening the Dehonian Charism
07 February 2022

Growing and Deepening the Dehonian Charism

Fr. José Gregorio, scj speaks of his work with letters of Fr. Dehon.

Dehonian Studies with  Plural Characters
04 February 2022

Dehonian Studies with Plural Characters

Fr. Emerson Ruiz, scj talks about his scholarship at the Centro Studi Dehoniani.

Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj – the second founder of the Congregation
31 January 2022Hernan Leemrijse, scj  

Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj – the second founder of the Congregation

Father Albert Bourgeois emerged as one who helped the congregation to slow down and enter into a time of deeper self-reflection.

Beginning of the “Dehonian Scholarship” Program
13 October 2021

Beginning of the “Dehonian Scholarship” Program

Four new confreres begin their studies at the "Centro Studi Dehoniani".

The Dehonian Congregation in the Mission of the Church
04 October 2021Angelo Arrighini scj  

The Dehonian Congregation in the Mission of the Church

One of the privileged ways to understand the state of the mind of a superior general is undoubtedly through his letters. Understand Fr. Bourgeois through his circular letters.

Léon Dehon. Spiritualité du Coeur du Christ et engagement sociétal
31 August 2021

Léon Dehon. Spiritualité du Coeur du Christ et engagement sociétal

Van Hai Ngo has published his study on the spirituality of Léon Dehon, founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, with Editions SCJ Clairefontaine.

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