15 September 2023
15 Sep 2023

In communion with Christ on the new roads.

Dehonians in Venezuela celebrated the 4th regional chapter. it is necessary to propose changes in tune with the charism and embodied in the world.

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In preparation for the XXV General Chapter in the Region of Venezuela we celebrated our IV Regional Chapter inspired by the motto “In communion with Christ through new ways”. From September 3 to 8 we gathered in our Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat House in El Jarillo, where we had the opportunity to make a profound revision of our documents, formation and pastoral work in these lands. The Chapter was an opportunity to enrich ourselves among experienced capitulars, new capitulars, invited religious, Venezuelans and Asians, with a voice to participate in the proposed debates.

Different slogans were accompanied our days of Chapter; in the first instance “the joy of the encounter”, to meet all together is a reason for great joy, we witness in our charism the Sint Unum, from the older generations of Spanish missionaries, passing through the Venezuelan religious of different generations and to the missionaries coming from Asia, all together we know how to share and celebrate life in fraternity. We continued the following day, Monday, with the theme “discerning in the Spirit”, a morning of spiritual retreat invites us to seek encouragement in the Holy Spirit for a week of intense work.

Then, under the motto “In communion with Christ” and “In communion with our brothers” we reviewed our regional documents: Regional Directory and Ratio Formationis Regionalis.

Finally, the last two days were inspired by the mottos “On the new paths” and “Witnesses in a changing world”, clearly challenged by our Venezuelan reality, by the reality of the world and of our congregation, we discovered the need to propose, to make small or big turns that enliven the charismatic flame of our spirit: mission, oblation, internationality; we wish to respond clearly and firmly to these new times and to travel these new paths in union with the Christ.

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