28 January 2022
28 Jan 2022

Social Project of Brazil (BSP)

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The Instituto Meninos de São Judas Tadeu (IMSJT), a non-profit social work, is maintained by the Associação Dehoniana Brasil Meridional – ADBM. It is born from the mystique of wanting to do good, with love and joy. The IMSJT was founded on November 15, 1946. At the beginning of its activities, it operated as a boarding school, taking in children who were orphans of a father, mother or both, abandoned or from families in a precarious financial situation.

With the advent of the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA), the IMSJT made its mission current and functional, thus expanding its activities in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Assistance and Social Development.

Today, the IMSJT serves around 2,000 children, adolescents and young people in its 8 CEIs (Child Education Centers), 1 CCA (Children and Adolescents Center) and 2 SAICAs (Institutional Shelter Services for Children and Adolescents), 1 Education with postgraduate and extension courses (Partnership/Faculdade Dehoniana/ESIC) and the Recanto São Judas Tadeu space used for the leisure of those assisted, retreats and employee training.

“Love is our mission”

We develop the act of loving in 3 pillars:  Social, Educational and Religious.

This means living Oblative love, in a spirit of surrender and commitment, with a heart capable of loving, welcoming, caring and serving.

The IMSJT, throughout its 70-year history, with Divine Providence and the thousands of generous hearts of our benefactors, have shared and share what they can in order to help us be a reference in welcoming and supporting children, adolescents and families that need it most in the city of São Paulo (SP).

Site: https://imsjt.org.br/

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