15 December 2020
15 Dec 2020

Towards a culture of encounter

42 men and women religious of Generation X of North America, South America, Africa and Europe are found in the zoom in deepening the encyclical Fratelli tutti.

by  Diego Diaz, scj

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On November 29, 42 male and female religious Gen Xers (the term for people born between 1970 – 1983) met via Zoom. The theme of the workshop was “Culture of Encounter,” following the theme of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti”. Participants were from Europe, North and South America, and Africa.

The encounter included time for personal reflection, small group sharing and prayer. It was led by Srs. Alejandra Larocca, APSM, Natalia Rojo, MC, Petty Escalante A.M, and Fr. Sergio Macedo, OSM and Br. Diego Diaz, SCJ.

The virtual gathering was a way for participants to revitalize the network of contacts and friendships that were established during various stages of formation. Many men and women now take part in intercongregational formation experiences, expanding their encounters with others who seek to dedicate themselves to a life of service in the name of Jesus.

The questions the Gen Xers discussed would be beneficial for anyone. They included:

  • What do I sense is changing during this time of pandemic?
  • What has taken on new meaning?
  • What have I discovered during the pandemic?
  • What situations or places more easily allow me to share the Kingdom?

The group reflected on the importance of making space for silence, for prayer, to encounter oneself and to encounter God. This is the starting point which allows our heart to become a place of hospitality, to have a heart open to the needs of those who suffer. It is from a Culture of Encounter that our relationship with God becomes a space of infinite gratitude.

Religious life ––  life as a sister, brother or priest in community –– continues to call many young people. We, as members of Generation X, want to share with them the profound encounter with the Risen Jesus.

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