19 September 2022
19 Sep 2022

A Congregation in solidarity and united even economically

From September 12 to 14, the Fundraising Office met for two days in Hales Corners, USA.

by  Luca Zottoli, scj

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During the last General chapter, the idea to set up a fundraising office came up (nn. 18-19).

During its mandate the General administration kept regulating the financial situation of the Congregation, particularly in some important issues: Casa Generalizia, Villa Aurelia, Basilica Cristo Re,  Mass intentions, Bank Accounts,  Limits of competences.

Then the Covid stop everything. That’s why we are so “late” to gather here to discuss over this topic. It is will of Fr. General to start this sharing in order to offer to the next General Chapter a draft of possible and doable proposals.

We are very surprised and grateful for the solidarity within the Congregation: FAG, Mass intentions, donations between the Entities are really a sign of the communion existing among us.

The challenge we have before us is to avoid a simple and only displacement of our resources from one pocket to another, finding new ways to maintain our Entities.

This meeting was intended to gather the confreres committed with fundraising. In the Congregation we have different tradition, patterns, and way of working in this field, that’s why it was important start to gather and to discuss in the practical way that is typical of our task.

The first goal of this meeting is to share our experiences, our knowledge, our know out, especially starting from what we have done and what we have learned from our mistakes.

The second goal of this meeting is to find out together some way to improve, change or set up a better fundraising in our Congregation, both external and internal to the Entities.

Our work could be the kickoff toward the next General Chapter.

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