21 December 2020
21 Dec 2020

Historical investigation on the martyrdom of Fr. Martino Capelli

The cause of the ‘super martyrio’ of Father Martino Capelli, SCJ, killed in 1944 in reprisal, proceeds . According to the historical investigation, the death of Father Martino Capelli can be considered as martyrdom.

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On Tuesday, 1st December, 2020, the Historical Consulters of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints expressed a positive opinion on the ‘Positio Suppletiva Super Martyrio’ concerning Father Martino Capelli, SCJ (1912-1944). The Positio was drafted by the Congregation, on May 10, 2019, had granted that this Cause, begun as a super virtutibus cause, could be studied as a super martyrio.

In the examination of the Cause, the Historical Consulters speak on the scientific aspect of the documentary evidence: the scientific value and the completeness and sufficiency of the documents used as evidence in the Positio. Their judgment is the guarantee that such evidence provides a solid basis for pronouncing on the martyrdom of the Servant of God.

The new Supplementary Positio, delivered on March 20, 2020, to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, clearly highlights the martyrdom of the Servant of God. On the testimonial and documentary basis, an attempt has been made to demonstrate the martyrdom of the two religious (Fr. Martino Capelli, dehonian and Fr. Elia Comini, salesian), who offered their lives by fulfilling their priestly ministry, in the administration of the last sacraments to the dying.

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