23 April 2023
23 Apr 2023

We are 100 days away from world days… in Portugal today at 20:23 the church bells will ring…


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“The Gospel is for everyone, not just for some”



The first WYD of Pope Francis was in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. About 4 million young people pray with the Argentine Pope “coming from the periphery of the world”. The theme of the meeting is “Go and make disciples of the nations!”. On Sunday, July 28, during Mass on the seafront in Copacabana, the Pope spoke three words: “go, without fear, to serve”. By following these three words, you will experience that whoever evangelizes is evangelized, that whoever transmits the joy of faith receives more joy. Dear young people, returning home, do not be afraid to be generous with Christ, to bear witness to his Gospel. “Bringing the Gospel is bringing the power of God to root out and destroy evil and violence; to devastate and break down the barriers of selfishness, bigotry and hatred; to build a new world”.

(Vatican News, 2019)


Christ is Risen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! And how is your seed? Has it started to appear yet? In this challenge, send a photo of how your walk is progressing to our instagram or facebook.

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