18 August 2022Agenzia Fides
The Dehonians, between the proclamation of the Gospel and works of charity
The Dehonians in Vietnam are engaged in various ecclesial ministries and services to society.
21 June 2022
Vietnam district appointments
Fr. Francis Xavier Tran Duc Thai new District Superior in Vietnam.
21 February 2021
Francis-Vu Tran, scj #Vietnam
13 March 2020Vincentius S. Herimanto
Fr. General’s visit to the Vietnam District
10 April 2018
Vietnamese Candidates in Ottawa
24 August 2017
VIE – A time of many blessings for Vietnam
02 August 2017
Vietnam one year later
14 January 2017
Priestly Ordination of two Vietnamese SCJs in Manila
26 October 2016