Dehonian Family

Renewal of commitment of dehonian lay people
06 December 2024Philomena Pina Figueiredo Bussab  

Renewal of commitment of dehonian lay people

The renewal of the commitment of the Lay Dehonians took place on Sunday 17 November at the Sanctuary of Saint Jude Thaddeus, São Paulo, Sector 1, Brazil.

The Dehonian Family and its future
19 January 2024

The Dehonian Family and its future

Meeting of the Dehonian Family. Rome, December 9-12, 2023

Dehonian family celebrating
08 September 2023Manuel Lagos scj  

Dehonian family celebrating

The region of Venezuela celebrated the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Dehonians in Venezuela on August 19. Approximately 650 people participated in the meeting.

The International Coordination Group  of the Dehonian Family
03 July 2023

The International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family

Brief history of the International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family (ICG)

Dehonian expressions of synodality in the charismatic sharing: the Dehonian Family
07 September 2022Artur Sanecki, scj  

Dehonian expressions of synodality in the charismatic sharing: the Dehonian Family

Since 2001, the Dehonian family has been putting synodality into practice.

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 4|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 4|4

Year Four: For the life of the World.
"That they may have life and have it in abundance"(John 10.10)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4

Year Three: The path of faith of fr. Dehon
"They will look on the one whom they have pierced" (John 19.37)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 2|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 2|4

Year Two: Encountering Jesus with fr. Dehon.
"He loved me and gave Himself up for me" (Gal 2.20)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4

Year One: Becoming acquainted with dehonian life
“Come and see” (John 1.39)

Dehonian meetings to cultivate Spirituality and Fraternity
24 November 2020Alí Ernesto Villarroel Barreto, scj  

Dehonian meetings to cultivate Spirituality and Fraternity

Three lay people recount their experience of contact with the Dehonians and their spirituality.

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