24 November 2021
24 Nov 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4

Year Three: The path of faith of fr. Dehon
"They will look on the one whom they have pierced" (John 19.37)

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The third year contains ten meetings. They are numbered from 21 to 30. It concludes with a celebration.

  • Meeting XXI Dehon and the Bible
  • Meeting XXII “They will look on him whom they have pierced” (John 19.34-37)
  • Meeting XXIII Dehon and the Eucharist
  • Meeting XXIV Eucharist: the Risen One transfigures our life
  • Meeting XXV The meaning of Church in Fr. Dehon
  • Meeting XXVI Communion of vocations in the Church
  • Meeting XXVII Eucharistic Adoration
  • Meeting XXVIII Prophets of love
  • Meeting XXIX Servants of reconciliation
  • Meeting XXXX Proposals for the life of a Lay Dehonian
  • Ritual: The handing over of a Bible and the symbol of sandals

General Objectives of Year III

To grow spiritually in dialogue with the faith experience of Fr. Dehon

Specific Objectives of Year III

  • To recognize a common sensitivity, a spirituality, that unites.
  • To become aware that the spirituality of Fr. Dehon is a gift for the Church and for the world.
  • To be ready for action and common projects.

Year Three: The path of faith of fr. Dehon

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