03 July 2023
03 Jul 2023

The International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family

Brief history of the International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family (ICG)

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The ad hoc International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family (ICG) was formed in 2014 after the meeting of the Dehonian Family held in Rome between 15 and 20 May 2014. The main objectives of this group were: to develop and activate the Iter Formativo for the Dehonian laity; create the possibility of a process of growth of the Dehonian Family; and prepare a meeting of the Dehonian Family in Rome in the year 2017.

The members of this first group were: Fr. Bruno Pilati SCJ (ITS); Fr. Cláudio Weber SCJ (BSP, General Councilor until 2015); Silvia Bertozzi (consecrated, Finland); Ida Coelho (lay, Brazil); Rosalie Grace Escobia (lay, Philippines).  In 2016, Fr. Artur Sanecki SCJ (General Council) joined the group.

During the meeting of the continental coordinators of the FD in Rome in the year 2017 (12-16 May 2017), a new but now stable International Coordination Group was formed. The group included: Bruno Pilati (SCJ, Italy); Vicente Bruno Cavalcanti de Oliveira (lay, Brazil); Silvia Bertozzi (consecrated, Finland); Rosalie Grace Escobia (lay, Philippines). On behalf of the SCJ General, and the SCJ General Council, the International Coordination Group was at this time accompanied by Fr. Artur Sanecki, SCJ.

Starting from the year 2019, the General Councilor Fr. Vincentius Sri Herimanto, SCJ, and in November 2021, the ICG was renewed again. From this moment on, the composition of the Group is as follows: Fr. Ramón Domínguez Fraile SCJ (Spain), Mariolina Lambo (Italy, Missionary Company of the Sacred Heart – representative for the consecrated life), Rosalie Grace Escobia (Philippines – representative of the Dehonian laity), Vicente Bruno Cavalcanti de Oliveira (Brazil – representative of the Dehonian laity). The SCJ general councilors also take part in the meetings of the ICG: Fr. Vincentius Sri Herimanto SCJ, Fr. Charles Aime Koudjou SCJ and Fr. Artur Sanecki SCJ.

Along the way, the International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family has identified other objectives dictated by the concreteness of reality, for which it intends to work on: foster knowledge; sharing and communion in the Dehonian Family; promote awareness of its identity and foster the formation of the various ‘vocations’ in the Dehonian Family; watch over the definition of the ways to formalize belongingness to the Dehonian Family.

The ICG has in mind the planning and organization of a possible international meeting of the Dehonian Family.

We introduce ourselves

Fr. Ramón Domínguez Fraile SCJ

My name is Ramon. I have been a Dehonian religious for 25 years (1997). I was born in a small town of Salamanca: La Alberca (Spain). I attended the Seminary of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Alba de Tormes (1992-96), where I discovered my religious vocation and, subsequently, my priestly vocation. I did my novitiate in Salamanca in 1996 and my first profession in 1997.

I studied the five-year period of Theological Studies and the Licentiate in Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (1997-2005). My diaconal ordination took place in the Cathedral of Salamanca (2004) and the priestly ordination in Puente la Reina (Navarre) in 2006.

I have been connected to the world of education and formation in our Province, having been Master of Novices for 3 years (2012-15).

Since 2018 I have been working in the Generalate of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as Postulator General.

Maria Angela Pia Lambo

My official name is Maria Angela Pia Lambo, but for everyone I am Mariolina. I belong to the secular institute Missionary Company of the Sacred Heart since 1967. I have a degree in literature and I have carried out various tasks in the institute and in the world: Italy, Portugal, Mozambique. For me, Mozambique is my second homeland where I lived half of my years of consecration and my missionary commitment.

I currently live in Bologna asssigned in the new form of ecclesial presence established by the Dehonian priests, consecrated, married and single lay people, who seek to experience the joy of being together as brothers in mutual acceptance and of others. I am engaged, among other services, as a volunteer in the large prison of Bologna.

Grace Escobia

My name is Grace Escobia. I am single and 51 years of age. I have been a member of the Dehonian Laity of the Philippines since 2001. I am a Lawyer, a Certified Public Accountant, Notary Public, and part-time faculty member from 2005 to present in the Department of Accountancy, School of Business and Management in Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan), a Jesuit university.

In 1991, I graduated with adegree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce, specializing in Accounting.  And, in 1997, I graduatedwith Bachelor of Laws degree.

In theInternational Coordination Group, I represent the Dehonian laity in Asia.

Vicente Bruno Cavalcanti de Oliveira

My name is Vicente Bruno Cavalcanti de Oliveira. I ammarried and father of twochildren (Thalia Larissa and Benjamin Gabriel). I studied in the Dehonianseminary and didmyvocationaldiscernmentjourney up to the second year of Theology for which I deepened and lived the spirituality of Fr. Dehon. Now I am the general coordinator of the Lay Dehonian BSP from November/2016 untilMay of thisyear in which the rotationisscheduled.

I am a civilservant, graduated in philosophy (FEBE-Brusque-SC), with specializations in contemporaryphilosophy (PUC-RJ) and religious culture (UCDB-MT) and I have been since 2017 in international coordination for America.

Fr. Artur Sanecki, SCJ

My name is Fr. Artur Sanecki. I wasborn in Częstochowa (Poland) in 1965. I was ordained priest in 1991. In my province of origin, I worked mostly in the initial formation sector of the Dehonians. I taught in the SCJ major seminary in Stadniki (province of Krakow) and at the Pontifical University of Krakowas a professor of biblical Theology and Introduction to Sacred Scripture and worked in the administration of the Polish SCJ province.

I was later elected Provincial Superior of the Polish SCJ Province for the years 2010-2015. I have beenin the general council since 2015. First with Fr. Heiner Wilmer SCJ, and,since 2018, with the current general Fr. Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniu SCJ. I have been collaborating with the International Coordination Group of the Dehonian Family since 2016.

Fr. Charles Aimé Koudjou, SCJ

I am Father Charles Aimé Koudjou. I wasborn on July 5, 1975 in Bamendjou, a small village in the West Province of Cameroon.

I began my formation with the Dehonians in 1997 and made my first profession in 2000. I was ordained priest on March 29, 2008.

Before being called to Rome, I worked in the formation sector, as Master of Postulants, and recently, as Rector of the major seminary of Philosophy (Dehon’s Formation House, Ntasen Bamenda) in Cameroon.

I wasappointed general councilor on October 13, 2020. With other councilors, I accompany the coordination team of the Dehonian family.

Fr. Vincentius Sri Herimanto, SCJ

My name is Vincentius Sri Herimanto.  But, normally others call me Vincent. I was born in Indonesia on July 20, 1966 and became a Dehonian religious on July 20, 1987, the day of my first religious vows. I was ordained priest on November 23, 1994.

In 1996, I went to the United States to study English so that I could be a missionary to the Philippines.

In July 1997, I began my ministry as a missionary in the Philippines. From 2013 to 2016, I was sent to Vietnam. Then, in September 2016, I returned to the Philippines and worked in the parish of San Isidro, Zamboanga del Sur. From July 2017 to 2019, I was assigned as Rector of the Yogyakarta Scholasticate in Indonesia.

On 15 October 2019, I was appointed General Councilor and in charge of accompanying the life and development of the SCJ congregation in Asia.


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