24 November 2021
24 Nov 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4

Year One: Becoming acquainted with dehonian life
“Come and see” (John 1.39)

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1| 4General objective: To raise interest in the Dehonian spirituality and mission

Specific objectives:

  • To obtain hands-on experience of Dehonian reality
  • To raise awareness of being a lay person in the Church; the baptismal vocation as the foundation for the different forms of life in the Church
  • To discern the call to participate in a specific spirituality
  • To involve oneself in the formation of a Lay Dehonian

 Year One has the following ten themes:

  1. Who are we?
  2. Life as a gift
  3. The baptismal call
  4. Christian life
  5. From the devotion to the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus
  6. The different forms of life in the Church
  7. Identity and mission of laity in the Church
  8. Human / Christian / Dehonian values
  9. The participation in the charism as lay people
  10. Pilgrims – the visit to a Dehonian community – retreat
    Gift of a biography of Fr. Dehon / Prayer Book of the Dehonian Family

Year One: Becoming acquainted with dehonian life

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